8 Reasons Why Natural Solutions to Stress and Anxiety Work Best

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Natural solutions to stress and anxiety, like hypnotherapy, especially when combined with other transformative learning strategies, can be overlooked as one of the most effective long-term solutions for stress and anxiety, especially in a world where it can be so easy to pop a tablet instead.

Have a look at why it would be worth considering natural treatments like these first:

  1. Addressing the Root Cause is a Permanent Life-Long Solution 

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Hypnotherapy, for example, addresses the underlying cause of your anxiety, and resolves it at a core level.

What this means is you actually resolve the underlying triggers that created the anxiety in the first place.

Often stress or anxiety cycles, as well as many other patterns of behaviour, begin early in life – even before the age of memory recollection or reason. From then on we unconsciously respond to conscious triggers which automatically generate the same physiological and behavioural responses.

The result is we can feel unable to change these responses consciously, even though we are able to recognise a negative pattern repeating itself time again. And this is because it’s actually true – as Einstein explains, we cannot resolve and overcome something consciously that was created unconsciously.

Utilising both unconscious and conscious mechanisms in duality allows holistic healing and permanent resolution of the causal factors behind stress and anxiety. Often these are stored deep in our inner mind, and we are oblivious to what they are consciously. The beauty of this kind of work is we don’t even have to know, consciously, what’s being resolved. The unconscious mind holds all our memories and experiences – when we empower it to fix what’s not working in harmony with our lives, it does so quite naturally.

The aim is to generate new healthy long-term patterns of behavioural responses and thinking, literally overriding old patterns in a way that they actually no longer exist.

  1. Save Time and Money

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When you address and resolve the underlying cause of your anxiety, there will be no need to seek continued psychological help, counselling or psychotropic drugs. Without even taking into account the side effects and dependency issues associated with drugs, the savings in time and money can be enormous. 

  1. Freedom and Empowerment 

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Generating holistic, permanent solutions to stress and anxiety means you are no longer plagued by it. You learn to develop life skills that allow you to cope with the challenges of life in wonderfully new ways. The freedom and empowerment in this is invaluable. 

  1. Ancient Holistic Approaches Have Been Proven Over Centuries 

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How did people cope or deal with stress and anxiety in Roman times? Or pick any era you like. Pharmaceutical solutions have only been available in the last few decades, yet as human beings we would always have had to deal with stressors – perhaps more so in earlier history than today. Dr. Steven Gurgevich explains how Hypnotherapy, for example has been used effectively and results recorded as far back as ancient China and Egypt 2,500 years ago[i].

Wouldn’t it therefore make more sense to try something that’s been tried and tested over centuries, before becoming a guinea pig to something that could lead to nasty side-effects and lifetime dependence?

  1. Pharmaceutical Treatments Cannot Resolve the Problem 

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Psychotropic drugs are sometimes a lifesaver, and they can be highly effective in turning the volume of acute stress and anxiety down in order to resolve the underlying reason it’s there.

We need to remember though that drugs cannot address or cure the causal issues. And unless we do this in addition to taking medication, we will never get to the bottom of our problem and hence we will always be burdened with it.

It would make sense therefore to catch anxiety early, address it naturally and holistically, and use medication as a last resort.

  1. You Take the Reigns of Your Life 

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Many anxiety and depression medications are habit forming, or addictive. In other words, once the brain becomes used to the effects of the drug, it is unable to “normalise” without it.  

What this means is you’ve essentially surrendered the control of your internal emotional state or wellbeing to an external mechanism, on which you are dependent.

Even people who are prescribed very low doses (what is considered a placebo level) of standard anti-depressants can find they’re unable to stop taking the drug. Their focus, concentration or emotions are simply unmanageable without the medication. So, they’re stuck, dependent on the external treatment of an internal problem. They are no longer able to harness control themselves, and this can be enormously disempowering.

In contrast, utilising natural and holistic methods, and retraining your mind both consciously and unconsciously, gives you complete control to independently manage your emotional and psychological well-being.

  1. Healing at Many Levels 

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Often emotional or inner turmoil is reflected externally, in our bodies. So when we actually resolve the disharmony within our body-mind, we suddenly heal a variety of complaints.

We commonly find that, for example, someone addressing a driving phobia may overcome menopause symptoms. Someone else may come in to resolve their anxiety only to find their headaches and knee pain dissipate at the same time.

This is because we, as human beings, are a complex intricate and integrated system. Our body is not separate to our mind, and neither is our mind dissociated from our body. In fact, to the contrary, we are basically our own ecosystem, and if something within that ecosystem is blocked, imbalanced, and incongruent, it invariably affects the whole.

This is why holistic healing often provides the most powerful and effective treatment.

  1. Linear Techniques Can Send You in Circles

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Many mainstream psychological and counselling models look for linear patterns to address stress and anxiety. This means they try to find a cause (a conscious memory or experience) and then relate that to an effect (anxiety). The belief is that if you are able to adjust your interpretation of the cause you will resolve the effect.

Unfortunately, this approach is often too simplistic for many people. We are multi-faceted beings, who for sanity reasons only consciously remember a fraction of our experiences. We also distort our memories and experiences consciously. We are often operating on auto-pilot, which is inaccessible to our logical or thinking mind. Therefore, addressing deep-seated issues at this thinking level can be a bit like trying to clean a pool by scraping the surface. It can be a frustrating process that sends you around in circles.

Alternatively, when we mend the core factor, it’s like restoring the perfect PH balance of the pool water. Everything just “fixes itself”, naturally.


Disclaimer. Lyn Megan Macpherson is not a medical doctor, psychologist or psychiatrist, and does not claim to be one. She therefore holds no legal liability for the choices of readers who are encouraged to make informed decisions and seek medical advise if required.


[i] Gurgevich, S. History of Hypnosis. Downloaded 1st April, 2017 from http://www.healingwithhypnosis.com/self-hypnosis-articles/history-of-hypnosis.aspx

Lyn Macpherson
Lyn Macpherson


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